Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Just Run Down

That's how I feel these days - just plain ol' run down. I tried to work today at school, but could only manage about 3 hours of measly work. I don't know who came up with "morning sickness", but it SUCKS! I hate feeling this way. And it doesn't just end with my stomach - I'm having "bathroom" issues as well! I look like crap (didn't blow dry my hair), my house is in shambles (don't have the energy to fold clothes), and 14,000 library books are still sitting in their boxes!

Matt spent the weekend researching our families on Ancestry.com which was very cool. I can trace my family back to the single man who came over to the United States from Hanover, Germany in the 1800's. Pretty neat! They say when picking out a baby name to look back in your family's history for a "classic" name. I don't think we'll be having an Elsie, Alma, Henery, Ophelia, Jesse or Corinne any time soon.

Well, I need to suck this up and get it together because next week is pre-plannning and I have no choice but to work a full day. Ugh, just saying that makes me sick. Why am I so sick? When will this end? Everyone I've run into thus far at school says, "oh just a few more weeks and you'll be feeling fine." Guess what? I'm holding that to you people!

More later. . . .

Thursday, July 23, 2009

In The Beginning. . . .

This is where I will begin. Not really, truly the beginning, but the beginning for me. I'm looking a little chubby right now I know and that's (unfortunately) not from the baby. This slight chubbiness has come along from the past several weeks of being sick and not working out. I have worked out three days this week and tomorrow I'm walking Stone Mountain with my Mom, so hopefully things should settle down in the weight category. All I have to say is, if that scale in the doctor's office says any number higher than the number it told me yesterday, I'm going to cry. Right there in the hallway of the doctor's office - big, elephant-sized tears - seriously!

For those of you who know me well, I've had a struggle with my weight for probably the last ten years or so (or I guess since I've been married). Losing 47 pounds three years ago was SO hard and I'm honestly SO scared about gaining too much baby weight. I don't want to go through another struggle to lose weight after the baby is born. So my goal for this pregnancy is to gain proper, normal weight that hopefully I can easily shed through breastfeeding. If I gain 60 pounds - we're all in trouble. I really think I can do this. Especially as I am starting to feel better now and can get back out there and into the gym! I'll keep you informed of how things go. But never in my life will I ever post an actual weight number; just a up or down update. :)

Bye for now!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hello Everybody!

Welcome to my first "personal" Blog. I've blogged professionally, but now that motherhood has turned her eyes on me, I decided to begin a "personal" Blog. I can keep everyone updated who wants to be updated and those who don't care, don't have to read this. So it's the best of both worlds.

I'm technically in the 7th week of pregnancy even though my doctor says 8 weeks. The sonogram completed today measures the baby at 7 weeks, so who really knows. The sonogram today really hit home that we are indeed having a baby. Up until this point I've just been sick. And it's just felt like being sick. But I actually saw it today and heard it today! That was too cool!

I'm also going to post a picture of myself on here and update it every month. Really this will be more of a record keeping for myself rather than any enjoyment to anyone out there in cyberland. I'm kind of excited to see the growing belly. Cliche, I know, but I'd like to see the changes over the next 7 or so months.

So, sit back, subscribe if so desired, and enjoy my Blog!