Wednesday, August 19, 2009


That is the word of the day - DOWN! As in, I went to the doctor today and my weight has gone down. Yeah! I knew sitting around the house being sick was making me gain unnecessary weight. Plus now that I'm feeling better I've been walking after school with several teachers. Yeah!

So the doctor today - the quickest doctor's visit I've probably ever had. I was in and out in 15 minutes. He said two things that surprised me. First: don't rush out in October and get the swine flu vaccine. He doesn't feel comfortable with a brand new vaccine just out on the market being given to pregnant women en mass. Second: don't rush out and get a regular flu shot this fall. What?? I said. Well, for starters, I've never in my life had a flu shot, or even the actual flu for that matter. And secondly my pregnancy is textbook normal, so I may not have to get a shot. The jury's still out on this though. I have a feeling the doctor will eventually say go get a flu shot, but until then I sit and wash with warm soapy water.

So at the doctor's visit today he used that doppler thingy to listen to the baby's heartbeat. He says to me right off, I sometimes have trouble hearing the heartbeat using this thing, so don't worry if we can't hear it, we'll just move to the ultrasound room. What a vote of confidence! I was already worried about not hearing the heartbeat, because aside from the occasional headache at night - I don't actually FEEL pregnant right now. I feel normal, like I used to feel. So he starts the moving and searching. . . . and all I hear is swish, swish, swish. He keeps saying that's not it, that's not it. He finally says that's it! Well guess what??? It sounded to me like the same swish, swish, swish I was hearing the whole time he was moving the thing around on my belly. Go figure!

So today was a clean bill of health from the doc. But I can't help but stop and think. . . how does he really know? Just hearing a supposed heartbeat through a doppler tells you everything's okay? I'll just have to trust the doctor on this one!

A new month, a new picture. My 12-week shot. Not the best picture - there is a weird glare. But I am wearing actual maternity clothes now, so I'll probably stick with this outfit from here on out so we can get a good before and after series going.

More later!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

First Week of School Update

Well, I made it through the week (Monday through Thursday that is) okay. The beginning of the week was very rough, but I think the constant work ahead of me at school each day kept my mind off how I felt. It seemed to work out okay - until I worked past food time, then things would get rough.

I've already decided to switch to maternity clothes beginning Monday. I know it's a little early, but most of my size 8 clothes are now too tight and I'm not going to go out and buy size 10 or 12 clothes only to outgrow those in a few months. So I'd rather go with slightly large maternity clothes than trying to kill myself all day in tight size 8 pants. Plus the students will actually think I'm pregnant if I'm wearing maternity clothes. :)

I know I've said this to some of you, but I was really not prepared for how this feels. People always talk about morning sickness and this and that, but it is totally not what I thought it would be. Why do people have more than one child? I'm just so uncomfortable and can't imagine volunteering to go through this again. This will probably be an only child and that's okay with me and Matt. I can hear some of you now, you're saying, "once you see that baby and love that baby, you'll want another one and another one." Let's don't bet on it people! :)

I'm up early (in preparation for the 6 am alarm on Monday) and am going to enjoy my last weekend before school begins. Enjoy your weekend!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is Everything Okay?

I shouldn't even say this in a post, but I'm feeling pretty good today. This "sickness" just seems to go day-by-day. Maybe I feel good, maybe I feel like crap. But today seems to be a good day. I woke up and didn't have to immediately run and eat something, which is an improvement. I'm still having bathroom issues that I'm sure no one wants me to go into detail, so I won't. But things could be worse.

Matt came to school with me on Friday and helped me unpack 76 boxes of books. I have the best husband in the world! He says his back hurts today and it probably does - he did a lot of lifting! I am so thankful he came to help because things were looking bleak and hopeless to me. Seeing a wall full of books really helps me sleep better at night. He also got to pick the lunch spot - Olive Garden.

I'm also excited because I went shopping Friday after we worked at my school and I got tax-free clothes that actually fit! Now I don't have to squeeze into size 8's that really don't work for me anymore. Relief! I hit a consignment store called Kid-to-Kid at the Mall of Georgia and got several tops and pants for about $2 each. Yes, they're used, but who cares, I'm only pregnant for the next 7 months or so. I'm definitely going to be heading back there in the future for baby clothes - they had tons of outfits for $1!!! Super excited!

Well, a day of chores and lounging awaits. I have to lounge now because Monday is the drop dead day - Back to School! Have a great Saturday everybody!